I hope everyone made it through the holiday season with smiles on your faces and joy in hearts. I can't believe in a few short hours 2014 will be a distant memory. I'm not going to bore you with a bunch of cliches, a list of New Year's resolutions, or with a recap of my year. But what I am going to do, is ask you what will you do in 2015? What goal will you reach? What lives will you touch? What dreams will you fulfill? What will you do to become increasingly compassionate and understanding? What impact will you make in 2015?
We all learned, loved, and lost in 2014, but what will we do next? If you awake in the land of the living January 1, 2015; you still have a few precious moments to reach your destiny. I'm going to do all within my power and with God's grace to make 2015 the best year of my life! My potential has yet to be tapped, goals to reach, and dreams yet to be fulfilled. For once, I will not live so conservatively. I'm going to break my own mold and see what will happen. As the young people say, YOLO!
I pray whom ever is reading this will sit and ponder each of these questions. I pray you will strive to live beyond yourself, stretch out and be more for those around you. I pray you will seek opportunities to venture out of your comfort zone. I pray you will take the lead . Most of all I pray you will have health, happiness, and love in 2015.
Love, Allison